With 170 low noise shots and mixed effects and firing angles, this display in a box offers blue tails to white strobe waterfall, silver tails to silver-fish with a blue core. It has green tails to red and green falling leaves and yellow and purple alternating tiger tails. Followed by red, white and blue strobe mines, green tail to gold-fish with a green core. With red-tail to red strobe waterfall and blue tail to Blue-fish with red core followed by alternating orange and silver tiger tails followed by purple tail to purple strobe waterfall, gold tail to gold strobe waterfall. Then alternating red and blue tiger tails and white strobe mine to white-tail and white strobe waterfall. Red-tail to red and green falling leaves followed by yellow and purple crossettes leading to brocade tails with brocade horsetail and a blue tail to white strobe waterfall finale.
Safety Distance 25m, Duration 120 seconds.
Noise Level 4/10
Colour tail to colour wave, colour tail to colour peony, colour tail to crackle, colour tail to colour crackle wave.
188 shot compound cake
Noise level 8/10
Duration of approx 100 seconds
Hit the jackpot with this beast of a display in a box! 434 shot compound cake in nearly 6 minutes this is a great way to celebrate.
Noise level 9/10
Colour wave to crackles. Multicolour effects with this multi direction cake. Stunning!
200 shots. Duration around 1 minute 45
video coming soon
Noise Level 8/10