
Fireworks to music!

Using our sophisticated firing ystems, we can seamlessly time your firework display to music of your choice.
Bespoke fireworks displays from £2100 inc VAT with outdoor sound system provided






Fireworks to music, or pyromusicals as they are known, add an extra dimension to any firework display. With our Public Address (PA) System your display can be choreographed, synchronised and accompanied by music. Ranging from classical music and film soundtracks to contemporary pieces, the whole display is bespoke, from effects to colour and music.

Using some of the most sophisticated firing systems in the world from the famous FireOne system to the future of wireless firing technology Pyrosure. With ranges of up to 3km, accuracy to within 0.001, over 1000 individual cues and the ability to fire over 300 igniters simultaneously these systems are the best in the world. With inherent security features such release to stop switches, fully encrypted WiFi data transfers and unique arming codes, safety is the top priority with these systems. In-built diagnostics systems mean that fire codes are sent multiple times with communication, power and connections checked simultaneously.


Fireworks with music can be emphasised by choosing tracks with peaks and troughs, allowing single shot fireworks to be fired at each of the beats. Alternatively, colour association, shapes or the tempo of the music can dictate the type of fireworks used. Using our music studio in Sussex, we can mix your desired tracks to make your pyromusical display fulfill your requirements.

With the advances of technology and a greater level of research and development from our factories in China, pyromusicals have become affordable whilst still maintaining the spectacle of a dramatic fireworks display enhanced by the accompanying music track.

Music choices have included first dance tracks, memorable tracks, pyromusical themed tracks and even been accompanied by choreographed dancing! From the 1812 Overture, Queen, Pirates of the Carribbean and Lady Gaga, there are not many tracks that won't work with a spectacular fireworks display!

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